Hi guys, So my group, PBL09, has been busy at work on a video for Topic 2. It has been great fun working with the people in my group. When I do research I do work with colleagues for most of the time but when I teach, because of my field, I'm a bit of a solitaire. So it has been inspirational to for once work together with other, wonderfully nice and enthusiastic people in a group like this. When it comes to the topic at hand, Open learning, sharing and openness, especially sharing is something I can relate to a great deal and something I would like to dive into and use in my teaching to a greater extent. So looking ahead, next is Reflection week which I think I can use to catch up on my learning. Take care, Jesper
Visar inlägg från mars, 2020
#11. ”Möjlighetsfönstret” vid ACL-rehab | Styrketräning för idrott, motion och rehabilitering
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Hi everybody, So the Friday David White webseminar was great I think. The hierarchy system (the normal academic system) in which in which students are ranked by an authority (me as teacher) vs the network system in which students collaborate, connect and communicate with each other. While I do feel like it is a bit too radical to swing the pendulum to full connectivism (“It never works” David W emphasized), my course coordinator mind works on different ways to incorporate more of this type of learning in my courses. The quote by DW: “Teachers have historically been the gatekeepers of authentic knowledge, but now have become more of arbiters of connections” (he said something like that anyway), I thought was interesting. Attached is my Visitor – Resident map. Red color marks that I use these items more than the black colored ones. Best, Jesper