Hi guys,

So my group, PBL09, has been busy at work on a video for Topic 2. It has been great fun working with the people in my group. When I do research I do work with colleagues for most of the time but when I teach, because of my field, I'm a bit of a solitaire. So it has been inspirational to for once work together with other, wonderfully nice and enthusiastic people in a group like this.
When it comes to the topic at hand, Open learning, sharing and openness, especially sharing is something I can relate to a great deal and something I would like to dive into and use in my teaching to a greater extent.
So looking ahead, next is Reflection week which I think I can use to catch up on my learning.

Take care, Jesper


  1. Good to hear you're getting into the course. I look forward to a more reflective post on topic 2 later.

  2. Well Alastair you should have a look at our video is all I can say, I think it will set the bar for a long time on how to speak on open rights :-)

    And yes I will be a bit more reflective, but right now I'm so stoked that we pulled off such a nice video

  3. It's been great to work with you too, Jesper. Thanks for taking the lead with the video. Great leadership. And I really thought it was fun filming :-)


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Reflections on Topic 2

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