Reflections on Topic 2
OK, so Open Learning – Sharing and Openness then. Let’s start with what openness means for my own teaching. Up until a year ago, I pretty much ripped off and used just about any material I wanted and could get my hands on in my courses. It could be a YouTube video, a song on Spotify or a figure or model from an internet page. It didn’t really matter because my courses and its content were not public so no laws of copyright were broken, the way I saw it. Then I began my YouTube channel and started to put my lectures on YT as well as in my courses. It was an unintentional and a bit immature way of open publishing you might say. I knew that my YT videos could not contain material that was copyrighted so my approach when it came to producing video lectures started to change. This was because I did not want to make two lectures on more or less the same subject. So therefore, in the process my closed university courses lectures have become cleaner when it comes to the subject of copyri...